Emily Padamonsky

Emily’s Story:

My maiden name was Nori…Emily Nori.  I graduated from HASH in 1964.  My dad was the first Nori to graduate from Hollidaysburg in 1934, and from that date until now there have been  27 family members who graduated from H-burg with more to come in the next few years.  I always wanted to be a teacher.    I attended Shippensburg State College and returned to teach 11th grade English at my alma mater for one year.  I then got married, moved to Shippensburg and taught there.  When my husband Bill was hired as Assistant Principal at the Hollidaysburg Junior High, we came “home” with our four children.  I substitute taught in the district and was elected Blair Township Tax Collector. 
 In 1998 I returned to teaching as a Reading Specialist at C.W. Longer and Frankstown Elementaries.  This was one of the best decisions I made career-wise.  I absolutely loved my job working with elementary students.  Since I worked in small groups with struggling readers, I became very close to the kids and loved them dearly.  One of the things that warmed my heart the most was when several of the kiddos accidentally called me grandma. One little girl even told me she wished I was her grandma.  As a teacher, it doesn’t get any better than that!  I read a quotation many years ago…”Students most appreciate the teacher whose heart exceeds her/ his brilliance.”  This has been my mantra, and I have shared it with teachers beginning their careers. 
While teaching at Frankstown, my new friend and now my dear friend, Lisa Surkovich, asked if I would like to join her in creating a summer drama camp. Since I enjoyed theatre and performed with Altoona Community Theatre, I said, “Yes!”  We formed LITTLE LIGHTS DRAMA CAMP and for close to 20 years enjoyed introducing district kids to the joys of live theatre and all the hard work behind it. I had planned to retire after ten years, but when the deadline for retirement letters loomed, I just couldn’t do it.  I stayed another year… and must admit that the worst part of retirement us missing  the kids. 

Emily’s Nomination, by Dr. Lisa Surkovich:

Emily Padamonsky is a retired Hollidaysburg educator and alumni. During her many years as a teacher in the district, Emily was not only an amazing teacher, but she did so many things for her students that most people never knew about. Emily would buy clothes, supplies, food, and other essentials for families in need. She basically adopted many of the students she taught spending time with them outside of work and helping them all along the way. She is still in touch with many of her former students. Emily has also done many, many things in the community. She delivered gifts all spring and summer to teachers, retired and not retired, just as a way to lift their spirits. She continues to provide food and clothing for students in need. She volunteered to help on the reading van delivering food and books to students during the summer months. She continued to substitute teach long after her retirement because she missed teaching and the students so much. She sponsored a senior this year to be sure he had received gifts during Covid and to make his graduation happier and more memorable. Emily’s funny stories and sunny, positive disposition always brighten everyone’s days. She is an extraordinary asset to the Hollidaysburg School District and the Hollidaysburg community.

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