Distinguished Alumni 2023

2023 Award Recipients L to R: Mr. Gary Rhodes, Distinguished Education; Mr. Mike Leamer, David Alan Zeek Humanitarian Award; Hon. Stephanie Martz, Distinguished Alumni; Mr. Ben Stapelfeld, Distinguished Alumni

2023 Distinguished Team: 1999 Boys Basketball Team

Row 1: Micheal Dandrea, Kyle Abernathy, Coach Harris, Doug Frazier

Row 2: Coach Hetz, Jason Zimmerman, Tyler Piper, Coach Gildea, Brad Ketner, Ryan Pugh, Justin George, Marc McKillop, Mike Anderson, Ryan Lingenfelter

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David Alan Zeek Humanitarian Award

Pictured is Dave’s wife Sarah with recipient Michal Leamer and his family – wife Jennifer, and children Janelle and Justin

Mr. Gary Rhodes, HASD retired teacher

Distinguished educator, 2023

Mr. Rhodes taught at Hollidaysburg for 32 years and is an avid runner.

Read his bio here. 

Stephanie Martz, Class of 1987

2023 Distinguished Alumni

Stephanie has an impressive legal resume in national politics.

Read her bio here.  

Bernard Stapelfeld, Class of 1968

2023 Distinguished Alumni

Ben is a successful business owner in Blair County and the Founder of New Pig, Inc.

Read his bio here. 

Michael Leamer, Class of 1992

Recipient of the David Alan Zeek Humanitarian Award

Mike was chosen by the Leamer family for his dedication to faith, family and community.

Read his bio here.

To read more about Dave Zeek, click here.